"The Blancs said we would all be happier if we put color behind us, so we let them whitewash our homes. At first it was peaceful, but then it got kind of boring. When we complained, they turned violent, and said we could join their cult or stay indoors." - An orange Prisman telling Blob the cruelty the Blancs would offer to them in one of Downtown's Bonus Quests
Blancs are religious, brainwashed Prismans introduced in de Blob 2. They require 1 paint point to defeat.
When Comrade Black went undercover as Papa Blanc, he needed a lot of followers rather than just Shepherds in his Cult of Blanc. So he decided to spread the word that "everyone can be happy if they leave color behind." This certainly got some Prismans interested and had them ready for initiation.
It has been seen that they must first undergo a baptism in order to become part of the Cult of Blanc, and it turned out to be the horror of being sunken into a pool of ink. Some were willing to go, but others repent. When they repented, the Shepherds had them forced to be baptized by using their Hypnodiscs. When they finally converted into a Blanc, Papa Blanc had to brainwash them via hypnosis for them to repent all color.
Later on, this took too far beyond as Papa Blanc brainwashed them further to take drastic measures against all color, especially with violence towards Blob.
At the end of the game, all Blancs were converted back to their original selves as the Hypno Ray blasted all the color back to Raydia.
Blancs behave just like Leechbots. They run toward Blob and pounce at him, attacking him violently by trying to wipe out all of the color until he has no color left. Unlike Leechbots, Blob doesn't pop if he loses all color; he'll be left at 0 paint points. You can simply slam them like how you would to any other enemy.
However, what you must concern yourself with are the Blanc Booths that the Blancs hop out of every time. They'll constantly spawn Blancs if all Blancs around them are defeated. Destroying them first would convert all Blancs spawned back into Prismans (exception would be Downtown).
- Blancs are first introduced as passive, stationary enemies. They would wield pinwheels or take notes of their surroundings. However, standing on top of them would actually hurt you.
- The Blancs, along with the Shepherds, were responsible for the mass-production of White Tiles.
- In Downtown's cutscene, Blancs are very busy:
- They would whitewash every building in numbers.
- They would pass out free pinwheels to every Prisman in Downtown, unaware of the Prismans' anger due to the environment they're in.
- Some of them, in groups, would force Prismans to wear their white robes and hold a pinwheel as they rush along the streets of Downtown.
- They did the same thing to Blob as an effort for him to join the Cult of Blanc.
- The robes that the Blancs wear are kept for future fancy dance parties after the Blanc Church has been disbanded, according to Rocket Range.
- Although some of the robes are altered to become hipster-like robes after the Hypno Ray blasted all the color back to Raydia.
Enemies | |
Introduced in de Blob | Inky • Heavy Inky • Leechbot • Inky Jet Bike • Inky Tank • Inky Turret • Elite Inky • Giant Robot Inky |
Introduced in de Blob 2 (DS) | Bladebot • Armored Inky • Grenadier Inky • Electric Inky • Blob Inky • Winged Inky |
Introduced in de Blob 2 | Blanc • Hypnodisc • Shepherd • Sergeant Inky • Inky Mortar • Bomb Bot • Spikey Inky • Monster |
Antagonists | Comrade Black • Dr. Von Blot (De Blot) • Arctic Inky • Cowboy Inky • Dean Inky • Knight Inky • Russian Inky • Skier Inky • Inky Scientist (Inky Marshall) • Inky Scientist (Unit) |