"Drinking Blanc Cola has made everyone all pale and angry!" - Pinky to Blob at one of Downtown's Bonus Quests
Blanc Cola is a product made by INKT Corporation to persuade Raydians of Prisma City to drink. It was featured mostly in the level Blanc Cola Cannery (Soda Falls) in de Blob 2, but first made its debut in Downtown; with a further appearance in Comrade Black U.
When INKT was taking over Prisma City, Comrade Black sought to convert Soda Falls to sell only one flavor, Blanc Cola. As he hired a brand team, all of the original seven factories of Soda Falls before Blanc Cola were as they follow:
- Lemony Zest
- Red Rhumba
- Blue Ruin
- Lime Time
- Orange Ale
- Grape Escape
- Mucho Mocha
Like any color, Blanc Cola is black in color; it's very harmful is known to bleach Raydians entirely. The side effects are that anyone who consumes it are prone to be furious at others with no emotion. In the level itself, they're just like ink pools; they can poison Blob if he were to touch them.
The product was soon defunct after all the Cola Plants were shut down and reverted back to their original states.
- Blanc Cola is made of ink and waxed tadpoles, according to the comic panels before the level starts.
- It's also seen that Comrade Black served as a test subject to try out Blanc Cola. He even suggests that more waxed tadpoles are to be put into the product.
- All of the sodas before Blanc Cola were known as "Colour Soda."
- The product is first mentioned by Pinky in Downtown at a Bonus Quest where all Raydians have been all angry after drinking Blanc Cola. Their skin has turned white or light blue.
- It's unsure if the color "light blue" was supposed to be gray.
- It's also unsure how Bif at the comic panel on Blanc Cola Cannery (Soda Falls) didn't become pale after consuming the drink. It's possible that he spewed out the drink after consuming it.
- It's unsure if the color "light blue" was supposed to be gray.
- In Number Six Cola Plant (Grape Escape), the Inky Scientists were experimenting a new recipe for Blanc Cola, which is something related to it being frozen.
- There are multiple alternate brands based from Blanc Cola after these towers are shutdown/reverted:
- Number Two Cola Plant (Red Rhumba): Blanc Cola Toothpaste.
- The slogan reads, "Removes stains and smiles."
- Number Three Cola Plant (Blue Ruin): Blanc Baby Milk.
- The slogan reads, "Shouldn't your kids be growing up Blanc?"
- Number Six Cola Plant (Grape Escape): Limited Edition Clanc Cola.
- The advert reads, "Drink up, must end soon."
- Number Two Cola Plant (Red Rhumba): Blanc Cola Toothpaste.
- After Blanc Cola was discontinued, Comrade Black had executed the brand team.