De Blob Wiki

The Blanc TV Factory (known pre- and post-INKT invasion as House of Fun) is the eighth level in de Blob 2. What was originally a theme park was turned into a soulless TV factory by INKT, specifically hypnotization TVs. This is the first level to make use of 3D space inside a building - the titular TV Factory.

The opening cutscene details a struggle between two Shepherds in hypnotizing a mustached Graydian within the factory, and a yellow paint spill out of a pipe.

Loading Screen[]

This factory is where they make the Blanc TVs!

—Arty, panel 1

Our spy tells us there are three ways to get inside...

—Prof, Panel 2

I think they'll recognize you, Bif.

—Pinky, panel 3

The Level[]

The level consists of three 'parts':

Firstly is finding a way into the Blanc TV Factory itself (starting outside, then entering a 2d section). then transforming the three towers inside it:

The Main Production Tower, which assembles the TVs

The Quality Control Tower, where they check each TV, and

The Packaging Tower, where they box up the TVs.

These three towers are fully 3D, as the inside of Factory itself is. Unlike in Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls, these towers do not need to be entered once scaled. A transformation engine will simply appear after following Pinky's instructions to the top, and the tower can be transformed. The towers do not need to be done in a specific order. When the player transforms all three towers, they may exit the inside of the tower and be brought to the top. This is then the third and final part of the level, transforming the Inky Brain at the top.

The level mentions Inky Brains controlling all of the towers, and there is also a huge one at the top of the level. Despite this, it is suspiciously silent on what happens to these brains after transforming the towers/top part, and the player can see they sort of just fade away when transforming the towers on the inside.

Unlike other levels, the Blanc TV Factory does not have landmarks in the usual sense. The only part which really qualifies is the very last thing you do, which is enter the top brain part of the Factory and transform the Inky Brain there. It takes 50 Green to enter. Once the entire Blanc TV Factory is transformed, a satellite dish at the top will begin emitting a green beam, and the level may be ended.

Later on in the Rocket Range, we hear the House of Fun re-opening.

Blanc TV Factory/House of Fun Video Walkthrough[]


De Blob 2 (PS4) - Blanc TV Factory - House of Fun Main Quests Walkthrough

Blanc TV Factory/House of Fun Bonus Missions[]


De Blob 2 (PS4) - Blanc TV Factory - House of Fun Bonus Quests Walkthrough

Levels in the de Blob series
De Blob
1 Last Resort • 2 Uptown • 3 Downtown (Chroma City) • 4 Chroma Dam • 5 Guggentraz Island • 6 The Docklands • 7 Hanging Gardens • 8 Chroma City Fun Park • 9 Ministry of Ink • 10 Lake Raydia
De Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)
Secret Lab 1 Basic Beats • 2 Tip of the Iceberg • 3 Bunsen Burner Breakout • 4 Exit, Lab Left • 5 Lab Labyrinth
Chroma City 1 Chroma City Limits • 2 INKT Invasion • 3 The Liberator • 4 Blob the Hero! • 5 Chroma City Cruisin'
Chroma Ghetto 1 Back Alley Beats • 2 Color Crusader • 3 Tricky Traversal • 4 Factory Finder • 5 Ghetto Get Around
War Factory 1 Hostile Takeover • 2 The Puppet Master • 3 Production Line Blues • 4 Factory Fight • 5 Problem Solver
Pipeline 1 Pipe Dream • 2 Raydian Revolution • 3 Pipeline Plummet • 4 Piping Hot • 5 Underground Updraft
Volcanic Lair 1 Evil Lair Exposure • 2 Circuit Breaker • 3 Raydian Rescue • 4 Rocket Racer • 5 INKT Theme Park
Launch Pad 1 The Final Showdown
De Blob 2
1 Paradise Island • 2 Downtown (Prisma City) • 3 Blanctown • 4 The Senate • 5 Comrade Black U. /State College • 6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls • 7 Inktron Collider /Hydrostation • 8 Blanc TV Factory /House of Fun • 9 Prison Zoo /Orbital Habitats • 10 Inky Fabricator /Railyards • 11 Rocket Range • 12 Hypno Ray