De Blob Wiki
Really Blob
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This article covers an essential topic and further work is required as ordered by the INKT Leader.
Please keep information as detailed as possible and related to topic! Failure to follow these instructions WILL result in you being destroyed!

(Return to Paradise Island.)

Paradise Island Mission Flow[]

  1. Collect 6 small colour atoms. Then collect the Mega Colour Atom by jumping up some rocks.
    1. Slam the Transformation Engine.
  2. Paint the 3 buildings on the small island Purple.
    1. Slam another Transformation Engine.
  3. Paint 3 buildings Blue (near the Blue colour pool) and 5 buildings Red. 2 buildings are also near a pool, with the last three being on top of the cliff.
  4. Collect a style pickup. Paint one building Red and the other Blue.
  5. Rescue 8 Graydians.
    1. Paint 15 buildings with the following colours:
      • 5 Red, 5 Green and 5 Purple
        • Rescue 16 Graydians.
  6. Collect 1 Inspiration.
  7. Paint 7 trees near the ink.
    1. Slam the transform engine.
  8. Enter the Tiki Village Lighthouse. Slam 2 Red coloured switches using the elevator. Continue climbing and slam the Purple coloured switch. Climb again and slam the last coloured switch - Yellow. Ride one last elevator and slam the transform engine to transform the landmark.
  9. Liberate 15 Graydians and paint 5 warehouses of ANY colour.
  10. Paint 5 ships on the docks Red and rescue 7 Graydians on those ships.
  11. Using the newly-acquired ability, charge - attack 29 objects.
  12. Paint the factory at the top of the hill with 2 Red and 2 Yellow .

For the quest relating to the Cannon, refer to this page: Paradise Island Cannon.

Paradise Island Bonus Mission Flow[]

  1. Destroy ALL Comrade Black statues in the area.