Like the first game, Comrade Black is the final boss of De Blob 2; however, he is the second boss encountered in the game as the Monster takes that spot in Inky Fabricator/Railyards. In addition, the game mechanics of this fight are the exact same as the Monster Fight. The only difference is that you would also have to deal with external attacks from Black and the Inkies.
After escaping Raydia in a spaceship, Black began his plan's endgame: activating his station to hypnotise the whole planet using the colour energy supplied by Blob. He was frustrated to hear that Blob had escaped the trap and is approaching the station. Whilst having a tantrum, he inadvertently activated a weapon in the Pants Engine stolen from the Professor. As Blob made his way, Black taunted him throughout, and at times, forced him to choose between saving the hostages or the whole planet. Once reaching the top of the ray, Black touched the energy beam to grow in size and attack Blob.
This has seven stages to complete. All of them (bar the final stage) follow the same pattern, whereby you slam a colour switch and paint a path to the central console to deposit some paint points. The difference is that you would also need to charge attack the fuel rods along the way. The completion of each stage reduces Black's health by one seventh.
The fight can be broken up into 3 sections: the first section only involves the primary colours; The second section will include the secondary colours and the third section is for the tertiary colour. They are further explained below:
Primary Stage Fights []
- Stage 1: Very easy stage to beat. Hit the Yellow colour switch to activate the path and paint it using said colour. Along the way, charge attack a fuel rod to continue to the central console. Enter it with 50 Yellow Points. The only hazard here is from Black's Mortar rounds.
- Stage 2: The mortars are swapped for Hypnodisks. Spike traps are also activated, protecting the Haz - mat Power Up and Big Paintbots. You will need to be Red for this stage and must charge attack 3 fuel rods to get to the central console to deposit 50 Red Points.
- Stage 3: Mortar rounds make a comeback, but with Inkies present and spike traps still activated. This is also the last time spike traps will be included in this fight. For this stage, you will need to be Blue and charge attack 3 fuel rods, before entering it with 50 Blue Points. Haz - Mats are also available for you to use.
Secondary Stage Fights []
For the next three stages, the spike traps are replaced with hot plates.
- Stage 4: Black will throw Hypnodisks again, and will also send his Heavies in to deal with you. This stage requires you to be Purple and charge attack 4 fuel rods. You now have access to the Regen Power - Up to help with the fuel rods. Once you paint to the central console, enter it with 50 Purple Points.
- Stage 5: The boss will unleash the electric orb - this follows you along paths and can deal 50 points of damage if you are caught. This, like the hypnodisk, can be respawned constantly. The best way to deal with this is to complete your tasks as quickly as possible. However, if that is not possible, roll onto the hexagonal plates on the ray as the orb cannot follow you there; instead, it will circle the area - which you can use that to escape. Anyway, secondary elites will be dropped in (those with secondary colours), making this stage quite difficult to deal with. For this stage, you need to be Green and charge attack 4 fuel rods before entering the console with 50 Green Points.
- Stage 6: The last stage to follow the same format. The stage is very similar to the last one, but with two differences. The first is that the Elites are replaced by Spikey Inkies, and the second is that you have access to the Supercharge power - up as well. Here, you need to be Orange and charge attack 4 fuel rods before entering the console with 50 Orange Points. The best solution is to deal with the Spiky Inkies first before activating the path.
Tertiary Stage Fight []
- Stage 7: The final stage overall. Black himself will not attack you, but his 100 self - clones will! They behave exactly like regular Inkies, so it should not be difficult to deal with them. There are no stationary hazards, and all of the power - ups used so far in this fight are available for you at your pleasure. There are no fuel rods to charge and you don't enter the console. Once you destroy the last clone, the final colour shockwave will revert Black to his regular size and the fight is over.
Comrade Black Boss Fight Walkthrough[]