De Blob Wiki

De Blob: Utrecht (Also known as The Blob) is a game that was developed by 9 students for a project in the Utrecht School of the Arts (with one from Utrecht University), from which the game also takes place in Utrecht[1]. The original purpose was to convey what the Utrecht Station would look like in ten years. It was intended to be a short - term attempt to entertain people whilst learning about the renovation plans. [2] Eventually, THQ noticed this and acquired the rights to the game. Utrecht became the foundation of the de blob series as a whole.


A UFO is flying through space near Earth and Saturn, but it collides with an asteroid within the asteroid field. It crashes into the HQ of I.N.K.T. in Utrecht, but the occupant escapes the crash using a parachute. He is then surrounded by I.N.K.T. forces but tries to escape...


The main goal in this game is to paint all 17 landmarks scattered all over the map of Utrecht. However, there is an optional goal to collect 50 coins. Blob can grow up to size ten by absorbing people. Said people can be in either: Blue, Yellow, or Red; in addition, each person absorbed adds a size to Blob. As the trademark of the future series, players can paint all of the buildings, trees, vehicles, and billboards. There are no challenges/ quests in this game - players are free to explore the entire city at their pleasure, as there is no timer. The only enemy in this game is the I.N.K.T agents stationed everywhere in the city, who are trying to catch Blob. Unlike their namesake enemy, absorbing an agent only requires you to roll into water to remove the ink, and no damage is taken.

The landmarks in the game range from easy to hard. This is determined by the method on how to transform it. Each landmark has a single point where Blob has to touch in order for the transformation to happen. Whilst some are as simple as rolling up to it, others require you to do some platforming - which require you to use air vents to reach those higher areas. There are a few landmarks that need you to be a certain size to fit through holes. In general, you need to be at least size 5 to paint landmarks.

For those looking for 100% completion, there are 50 coins scattered throughout the map. These can range from being easy to get, to being challenging. Unlike Utrecht's landmarks, they are not shown on the map, and encourages players to fully explore the map.

The Team

  • Jasper Koning - Project Lead/Level Designer/Artist [3]
  • Fabian Akker - Lead Level Designer
  • David Vink - Sound Designer/Level Designer
  • Gijs Hermans - Lead Artist
  • Ralph Rademakers - Artist
  • Fahrang Namdar - Artist
  • Huub van Summeren - Artist
  • Olaf Jansen - Programmer
  • Joost van Dongen - Lead Programmer
  • JP van Seventer - Supervisor


Gameplay Video



[A]: The station is actually called Utrecht Centraal. NS is the operator (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)[4]


  1. [1]:de Blob Blog [1]
  2. [1]:de Blob Blog [2]
  3. [2]:de Blob Blog [3]
  4. [3]: Utrecht Centraal [4]
Games in the de Blob series
Confirmed Games De Blob: UtrechtDe BlobDe Blob: Swatch ChallengeDe Blob: RevolutionDe Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)De Blob 2
Cancelled Games De Blob Online