De Blob Wiki

Downtown is the third level and district of Chroma City featured in de Blob that was invaded and controlled by the INKT Corporation. It was once the site of many sports tournaments, but INKT had them all banned. Most residents in this area are workers who live in the slums. It also introduces a new enemy and a hazard.


Since the raid on Uptown, Comrade Black was enraged over the desecration of the Statue of Inky and demanded that the perpetrators be found. Because the Inkies and Leechbots had failed to protect Uptown from Blob, Black stepped up security further by placing Heavy Inkies and hot plates in Downtown to try stop him. Blob ended up breaking through the security, rallying the workers, colouring Downtown and transforming the Church of Inktology into a tall skate park.

Click here to see the Mission flow for this level.

Loading Screen Dialogue[]

Comrade Black today denounced the color rebels.

INKT news anchor

Who did this? I want them found! I want them now!

Comrade Black

Sound like the INKT president didn't see us coming.


Our next goal is to bring color back to the people Downtown.


The Graydian workers live in the slums of Chroma City. We can help them.


Help us!


Something tells me this time won't be so easy, Blob.


Orders received: Stop the rebels. Check

Heavy Inky

Sectors in Downtown:[]

Click here to see the image gallery for this level.

There are three main sectors in Downtown. The last sector will be split into three areas as they occupy different levels.

Sector 1 - Downtown Freeway and Entrance to the Workers' Domain:

The starting area is slightly empty with two towers and a fence at the very back. Next to the pool, there is a fuel station for the cars on the freeway. Above the station is a monorail tunnel. Downtown Freeway is elevated and fenced on both sides for the majority of its straight run between the tunnels. There are some buildings next to the highway along its route. From the start you can see the Church of Inktology on the other side of the fencing. Following the freeway for a short period, there is the monorail station, which can be used to get to the billboards high up on the fences. Reaching the end of the monorail leads to another station and a tunnel, which is also close to the freeway tunnel.

Turning left and heading down a steep hill, there is a INKT Checkpoint, where Blob first sees the Heavy Inkies. Wall, fences and buildings line the left side while cliffs and tenements side on the right. The road has grass growing out of it with overturned cars. Passing more fences on both sides, is a sand mound with cars blocking a tunnel. Next to it is a hot plate with a switch on top of some buildings. The roofs also have fences around them. A row of tall buildings circle the area around the sector gate and in front are smaller buildings with some ramps. A group of Inkies guard the gate with a fountain in front.

Sector 2: The Slums and Factories:

The slums are entirely surrounded by rows of buildings and walls. There is a park in the middle with a transformation engine and a statue of an Inky on a horse. There are also three INKT Landmarks: an INKT Police Station, a Town Hall, and a Propaganda tower. There are a block of buildings around these landmarks. To the south - east, there is a fountain with four trees around it with another block of buildings close by. In this area, there are Z-Jumps that can take Blob onto the buildings on the border. Behind the Town Hall, there is a ink canal with apartments along its length. Beyond this is the factories where the Graydians workers are placed into stacked buildings. All of this surround a small enclosed area with a sand mound, tires, trees and cars. Some of the rooftops here have hot plates as well as the sector gate to the last sector.

Sector 3: Shanty Town, Flooded Homes and the Church of Inktology:

Sector 3A: Shanty Town

The lowest part of the level. Covered in sand and ink polluted pools with some trees, the residents here were forced out of their original homes due to it being flooded with ink. A small group of inkies patrol this town. To the left, a row of tenements stand above the town along with some hazards. Heading up from the ramp, there are some factories and blocks, also having hot plates on its roof.

Sector 3B: Flooded Homes

Getting past the fences, is a park with another engine and some heavy inkies. They are guarding a water pump. This pump is what led to the area next to it being flooded with ink. Behind the pump is a few apartment blocks. Once the ink has been cleared, the z-jump to the final area is unlocked. With the z-jump, there are three blocks with trees and sand foundations, along with pockets of water.

Sector 3C: Church of Inktology

The final area has a drop west-side, and is blocked by fences and buildings on its perimeter. A police station is on the south - western corner with a road running around the district. Two rows of buildings stand along this road. Note the buildings are quite varied but are in poor condition to match the poor atmosphere of this level. East from the police station is a park with trees lining each side and a engine is placed on the road heading straight to the Church. Heading right is a large block of buildings with some hot plates and a switch. Another block of buildings with these hazards is behind it. In front of the large block is a fountain with a single tree next to it and another one nearby.

The Church is a tall structure with a ramp that goes to the top section, but it has hot plates along its path; it has a switch right in front of the ramp. There are some hot plates on the ground just left of the Church. It has a large door with the INKT logo; in general, it has a gothic aesthetic behind it. Once transformed, it becomes a huge skate tower with a large hole near the top. The very top is replaced with a rotating skateboard; furthermore, some of these skateboards are added to the front with the building corners becoming speakers.

Transformation Engine Scores[]

The table below shows the minimum scores required to unlock these engines.

Downtown (Chroma City) Transformation Engine Scores
Transformation Engine Number Which Sector is it in? Minimum Score Required
1 Sector 2 (Slums) 120,000
2 Sector 3 (Water Pump) 190,000
3 Sector 3 (Church of Inktology) 260,000

In-Level Awards[]

In total there are nine awards. The table below will only show eight of them as one is simply to paint everything.

Downtown (Chroma City) Awards
Awards What is needed to acquire the award?
Time Complete the level in 20:30 minutes
Trees Paint 51 Trees
Raydians Save 384 Raydians
Billboards Paint 31 Billboards
Challenges Complete all 37 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 6 INKT Landmarks (Including the Major Landmark)
Styles Collect 14 Styles
Transformation Engines Activate 3 Engines

Bonus Quests[]

As in every level, there are two bonus quests to unlock, that you can go into using the level selection screen. For this you need to unlock the silver and gold medals. This can be done by raising your colour energy by painting the map. The table below shows the scores and what it unlocks.

Downtown Bonus Quests
Medals How much is needed to acquire the medal? What does it unlock?
Silver 300,000 Sizzle Race
Gold 460,000 Lost Freeway

Downtown Video Walkthrough[]


De Blob PS4 - Level 3 - Downtown

de Blob PS4 - Downtown

Downtown 100% Video Walkthrough (Exc. Bonus Missions)[]


De Blob PS4 100% - Downtown

de Blob PS4 100% - Downtown

de Blob Levels

Previous: Uptown

Next: Chroma Dam

Levels in the de Blob series
De Blob
1 Last Resort • 2 Uptown • 3 Downtown (Chroma City) • 4 Chroma Dam • 5 Guggentraz Island • 6 The Docklands • 7 Hanging Gardens • 8 Chroma City Fun Park • 9 Ministry of Ink • 10 Lake Raydia
De Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)
Secret Lab 1 Basic Beats • 2 Tip of the Iceberg • 3 Bunsen Burner Breakout • 4 Exit, Lab Left • 5 Lab Labyrinth
Chroma City 1 Chroma City Limits • 2 INKT Invasion • 3 The Liberator • 4 Blob the Hero! • 5 Chroma City Cruisin'
Chroma Ghetto 1 Back Alley Beats • 2 Color Crusader • 3 Tricky Traversal • 4 Factory Finder • 5 Ghetto Get Around
War Factory 1 Hostile Takeover • 2 The Puppet Master • 3 Production Line Blues • 4 Factory Fight • 5 Problem Solver
Pipeline 1 Pipe Dream • 2 Raydian Revolution • 3 Pipeline Plummet • 4 Piping Hot • 5 Underground Updraft
Volcanic Lair 1 Evil Lair Exposure • 2 Circuit Breaker • 3 Raydian Rescue • 4 Rocket Racer • 5 INKT Theme Park
Launch Pad 1 The Final Showdown
De Blob 2
1 Paradise Island • 2 Downtown (Prisma City) • 3 Blanctown • 4 The Senate • 5 Comrade Black U. /State College • 6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls • 7 Inktron Collider /Hydrostation • 8 Blanc TV Factory /House of Fun • 9 Prison Zoo /Orbital Habitats • 10 Inky Fabricator /Railyards • 11 Rocket Range • 12 Hypno Ray