Downtown is the second district and level of Prisma City featured in de Blob 2. In this, it was invaded and controlled by the INKT Corporation under the disguise of the Blanc Party for a undisclosed amount of time.
When Blob arrives in the level, his hopes are immediately dashed by the residents who only seemed annoyed at his paint. This is quickly brushed off, however. Despite not being options, the moods Incendiary (no color) and Euphoric (high) play in the opening cutscene.
Loading Screen[]
“ | So this is Prisma CIty...
check out the pollution! |
” |
—Pinky, panel 1 |
“ | There's an election tomorrow...
I hope they vote to clean this place up. |
” |
—Pinky, panel 2 |
“ | At least those guys are making an effort! I wonder why...? | ” |
—Pinky, panel 3 |
Pinky and Blob have arrived at Prisma City's Downtown district in search of Comrade Black, only to find it crowded and polluted, with no trace of Comrade Black. They find Paintbots in the city and learn about a mysterious new priest named Papa Blanc who was running for Prisma City's election, as well as a mysterious cult called Blancs all over Downtown who took over most of the Downtown's buildings, turning them into INKT Landmarks, that would later become violent as Blob continued to colour the place. The Blancs' Cult Centre was then transformed back into the Opera House.
Missions |
Downtown is mostly covered by elevated highways, which restrict the amount of sunlight. There are three sub - districts within Downtown:
Where the level starts. With the lowest elevation of the three and with few skyscrapers, it's a blend of city and coastal living. A canal cuts through that separates the starting area with the rest of the Docklands. Two parks are located within the vicinity with a beachfront located on the western side of the larger island. The buildings here vary in size from small to tall skyscrapers, and some groups of buildings reside on top of cliffs.
Town Hall:[]
Accessed after slamming the transform engine in the Docklands. A wall of tall buildings cover the western lower part of this sub - district; which are notable for having "Papa Blanc" White Tiles with a small canal in front; with cliffs covering the east. A park and fountain are located here. With the exception of the surrounding towers, these buildings are a combination of small and large which are clustered into small groups. The upper half also has a row of buildings located in the middle with a small park in the front. Behind this, a tall row of buildings which has billboards showing Papa Blanc in relation to the upcoming Prisman Election. It's here where the Downtown Cinema is located, having been converted by the Blancs' as a gathering for their cult.
Opera District:[]
The last of the sub - districts which includes the Downtown Cult Centre. This area has its own docks with boxes, two ships and a crane. This is also where the player is introduced to a classic enemy - Leechbots. Going up the hill is where the hostile Blancs' are introduced. Some of these buildings are partially cladded with white tiles. A small group of buildings with a skyscraper is in the middle allowing the road to split and go around it. There are also three fountains: One in front of the aforementioned buildings and the other two are located on each side of the edges. Climbing one more hill and this is where the Cult Centre is. Again, a group of buildings is in the middle, with the road splitting in two. On each side is a row of buildings. To the east of the Opera House, there is a cave which can be entered by climbing down.
There are only two landmarks in Downtown.
Landmark | Entry Cost | Notes |
Cinema | 30 Blue | First landmark to cost paint to enter. |
Cult House | 80 Orange |

Blanc - Controlled Cinema
Downtown Cinema:[]
This is located at the top of the Town Hall sub-district next to the gate. It is flanked by cliffs on both sides with a park in front. Entry is 30 blue paint points. Inside, there is a platform high above the seating with red and blue Paintbots. Dropping down is where the aforementioned seating is. In the background, there is a large podium stand with a billboard of Papa Blanc posting his ballot paper in the leadup to the election. There are another two billboards on each wall (on the right and left respectively), once again showing Papa Blanc. INKT banners are placed high above as the ceiling curves towards the platforms. Four purple colour sinks are within the interior: two at the bottom, and one on each wall. Two piston jumps are placed at each end of the floor.

Restoring the Downtown Cinema
Opera House (Cult House):[]
Sitting on a cliff above the entrance to the docks at the Opera District, the Opera House was once a famed entertainment venue but was taken over by the Blancs as a gathering but secretly as a manufacturing plant for white tiles. Entering the building with 80 orange paint points, Blob is dropped into a tall theatre with multiple levels seating for the Blancs in the background. In the foreground, a small group surrounds a pool of water. Shrinking down in order to fit into a small crevice, Blob heads underground to the manufacturing plant. Here, there is a purple colour pool and two Blancs guarding the pool. Past them is a colour switch which opens the next room. This has conveyer belts of boxes in the back with travelling tubes, allowing Blob to transfer from one section of the room to another.

Major Downtown Landmark

The Fat Prisman Sings
In the back section, there is a green switch that stops the conveyers. Upon returning back, platforms appear allowing progress to the next section. Passing a red sprayer, Blob heads down through levels of red switches which activate trapdoors. At the bottom is a group of Blancs with a piston jump and a tube. Once in the tube, Blob passes a room with gears in the background. Most importantly, there are two Blancs along with two white - robed characters with the Blanc insignia above their eyes. Exiting the tube is another room with spiked crates that can only be destroyed with supercharge. A power - up is nearby, making it easier. At the bottom, there is a green switch which drops to the lowest part of the building - where the plates are made. It is a very tall room with gears in the background and ten cogs in general. Six are in the centre, with four rows of two and two cogs on each side of the room with a Blanc as a guard. At the bottom, there is four more Blancs and two piston jumps. To the right, there is a supercharge power - up and a breakable wall with colour atoms and a inspiration.
Downtown Video Walkthrough[]
Downtown Bonus Missions[]
Levels in the de Blob series | |||||||||||||||||||||