Guggentraz Island Prison is the major landmark for its namesake level. As the name suggests, it is an island prison with the only access in or out being the Guggentraz Monorail. The prison used to be the Art Gallery, but was converted in the aftermath of the invasion. Here, INKT had locked up the artists so that they couldn't inspire the now enslaved Graydians of freedom.
The Island is surrounded by the eastern edges of Lake Raydia, and the prison sits on a circular concrete base that goes down to the bottom. Rock cliffs cover the right side of the prison complex. The main building sits on the left side and is made of three outward - angled sections.
The first section is a rectangular block near the exit pool which has a small canopy over the block. On one side, there is a rectangular barred window; and the roof is lined with spike traps. In the middle section, void of the traps is a red Big Paintbot and some roof gratings. The next part cuts partially into the aforementioned block and it is also the tallest section of the complex. This circular tower has a line of fences that cover the northern end of the building. The fences themselves sit on a thick roof canopy, with a yellow paintbot sat on the top. It should be noted that the distance between the bottom of the roof and the top of the circular blocks are not equal. They are also angled to reveal smaller cylindrical supports underneath.
The largest of the three sections is presumably the main entrance as the prison doors at the front are located there. On the sides, there are three outlets with varying sizes. Like the taller section, this has the same roof canopy, but with a smaller length of fence. In front of the fences are three round - top markers, which is where the three weak points are. The roof is actually quite open, as there are varying sizes of holes dotted on the roof. If you would fall into a hole, you would be ejected out one of the outlet pipes.
Note: It should be said that the spike traps do not de-spawn when the landmark is transformed. You need to activate the transformation engine nearby for that to happen.
As the paintbots are both on ground AND on the roof, fill yourself with paint beforehand. Use the wind cannon nearby to get up there and deal with the Heavies first. Be careful to not run into the spikes and/or fall into the holes. Worst case scenario is that you would fall into an ink pool left of the cannon. Each time you take out a weakness, you get ejected into a water pond off to the side. You would need to do this three times to transform the landmark.
Major Landmarks in de Blob | |
{Paintbot Transmitter - Last Resort} • {INKT Propaganda Centre - Uptown} • {Church of Inktology - Downtown} • {Chroma Dam - Chroma Dam} • {Guggentraz Island - Guggentraz Island} • {Uplink Tower - The Docklands} • {Ink Treatment Plant - Hanging Gardens} • {The Centrifuge - Chroma City Fun Park} • {Ministry of Ink - Ministry of Ink} |