De Blob Wiki

The Hanging Gardens is the seventh district and level of de Blob. It is notable for being the birthplace of the Raydians. This is the first level to not introduce anything that also makes appearances in later stages. Monorails make a small appearance, albeit final, in this stage.


The group head here after intercepting a transmission from the Uplink Transmitter. They find some settlements flooded with ink and the fabled Abyss was once a secret garden, but now is the dumping ground for INKT's toxic waste. Further exploration shows that this area has been turned into a industrial complex - archaeological ruins have themselves been ruined. Heading to the top, the ink canal flows all the way down to the bottom of the previous sector, and Raydian scholars are being held in a Jail Cell. Reaching the Gardens finds the area heavily defended with Inky Turrets, Heavy Inkies, and Elite Inkies; along with ink trapdoors. Once transformed, Zip informs Blob that the concentrated ink found inside the treatment plant came from Chroma City Fun Park, which is to be their next target.

Click here to see the Mission flow for this level.

Loading Screen Dialogue[]

This is the birthplace of Raydian civilization, Blob!


This was our playground... before they shut us into these gray suits.


Opinion polls show Comrade Black's popularity at an all-time high!

INKT news anchor

Thank you, dear friends. Thank you all.

Comrade Black

All right, "dear friends", clear the streets.

Inky soldier

Turn the taps! Flood it!

Heavy Inky

Those creeps really get me angry!


Don't get angry, Bif. Get creative!


Arty's right. Let's color this place back the way it was!


Sectors of Hanging Gardens[]

Click here to see the gallery for this level.

There are three sectors in this level, with the first sector being split into smaller areas.

Sector 1: Flooded Settlements and The Abyss

Sector 1A: Flooded Settlement 1

The starting area is surrounded by ink, with the roads being submerged by ink. Some buildings have scaffolds, allowing Blob to climb buildings. The water pump is located behind the entrance pool next to the Abyss. Accessed using a z-jump, it is guarded by Heavy Inkies on silos. It has cliffs to the west and north with a drop into the Abyss for the east and south. In the front of the pool is a two small blocks of apartments with tall buildings and silos to the left and in the back. To the right is another block of varied height buildings with some billboards. These buildings have a platform that connects behind to some silos in the rear as well as a factory directly behind said buildings. More silos surround the immediate block containing the pool. Warehouses line the back with the Abyss behind them and with tall fences. A taller factory stands on the edge with a z-jump to take down to the Abyss. Near the pump is yet another set of silos, which leads to a travel pipe that heads towards Sector 1C. Near the z-jump is some containers, which also can be found west of the pool, along with the taller silos.

Sector 1B: The Mighty Abyss

Located within the deep canyon, the Abyss has small river flowing along its length with a line of flat mounds. These have a lot of trees with some aqueducts spanning high them, which have big plant pots strung up. These aqueducts are broken into parts to emphasise the ruins atmosphere. Platforms line the side adjacent to Sectors 1A, 1C and 3, with some having z-jumps. Some islands have wind cannons aimed at the platforms. High above is the monorails, which cuts across the Abyss. Heading south along the Abyss is another island on the other side with a transformation engine and a wind cannon. Moving towards Sector 1C leads to more platforms with some having spikes on the wall. Looking down to the right is a ink reservoir with a dam resembling a face with a small pipe inside its mouth. It is guarded by mostly Elite Inkies with some Heavy Inkies.

Sector 1C: Flooded Settlement 2

There are two ways to reach this sector: The High Road or Low Road. The High Road ends at a partially fenced silo near the sector gate; whilst the Low Road ends near a warehouse and factory with some containers. Like Sector 1A, the entire area is flooded with ink with some flowing into the Abyss and some covering the roads after the ink levels have dropped. Most the structures lined here are silos, either singular, stacked or tall. The perimeter to the north and east is warehouses with tall walls and fences with a large excavator behind. To the south, is another fenced wall up to the canal and beyond it is just walls. A road goes straight down the hill from the gate and makes a turn at the warehouses before making another turn at the factories and cutting through the silos before crossing the canal and making one more turn and meeting up back at the bottom of the hill. There is some barricades placed on the road blocking access, with tall fenced walls on either side. The stacked silos have electric plates placed on the connecting pipes between silos. The tall silos have a small platform high up in the middle, where a style pickup is, but it is flanked by curved spiked traps. The water pump is located next to the canal near the tall silos. At he base of the hill is some Heavy Inkies with a large spike trap covering the hill. Along the side is some billboards, two large water pipes (with a style behind it), containers and some parts of the wall has spikes.

Sector 2: Ruin the Archaeological Ruins

A few silos sit next to the border along with border walls. Tall retaining walls line the north, west and east sides. The road immediately turns right and splits into two paths before meeting at the bottom of the sector gate, guarded by four Heavy Inkies. Another travel pipe heads towards an enclosed area behind the INKT Police Station, which is surrounded by silos and containers. The south is lined with warehouses and factories, along with some pump machinery. In the corner is a power station in front of the factories. On the road are two Inky Turrets, with one covering a z-jump pontoon back towards the first canal bridge in the sector. This canal starts above from where the large pipes were in Sector 1C, under the bridge, before taking a right past the machinery and under another bridge and left just past the power station before ending at the wall next to the gate under another pair of large pipes. Pontoons float above the canal in this sector. In the centre, there are four ponds filled with ink, and two ponds share a switch that flushes out the ink; These are guarded by another turret. Silos surround this area, with some having electric plates. Left of the silos is a crane; and in front are several neat rows of containers. At the back are some warehouses and factories. The taller silos have a platform in order to reach a billboard, which also has a z-jump. The sector gate is also guarded by a large spike trap.

Sector 3: The Hanging Gardens of Raydia

Straight after the gate is a bridge crossing the upper section of the canal. In front is a group of silos with a Police Station with a Jail Cell next to it. Some Elites, a Heavy Inky and a Turret guard this area as it also has a water pump nearby. The canal section here is quite short: Starts right next to the second bridge (the one with the turret) with two pipes; flowing underneath it before turning away from the pump and under another bridge before ending at the border wall. To the right of the water pump, is some pipes with another retaining wall. In front, is a large silo with small pipes around it. Past the pump is two layers of spike traps which have a very short deactivation time. Two lines of trees line the road as it enters the industrial/residential sector. Cliffs cover the east and north, while walls cover the western section. Bypassing the traps, the road splits in two and meets up in front of the treatment plant. While tall silos make up the left section, few factories and more apartments dominate the encircled area. In the center is more ink ponds with a switch, guarded by a turret. Heavy Inkies guard some of the rooftops, with one factory having hot plates on its roof. Some buildings have platforms to access different areas, with one z-jump located just after the traps. The roads here have barricades on both sides with one side having a Colour Tank. Many of these apartments are home to those who used to work at the Hanging Gardens as its gardeners.

A large area in front is where the Ink Treatment Plant stands. It is made of three pillars; with the central pillar being the tallest. A z-jump can be used to reach the top of the structure, with the left pillar having a style pickup. A silo with pipes connects to the main pillar halfway along its height. Next to the silo is a wind cannon, aimed just below the bulb of the tower. Surrounding the plant is pools of ink and water. Some of the ink pools have platforms; whilst others can be closed off, but have a switch to open as they are trapdoors. Right of the plant is a large mural of Raydian design. Behind the plant is a shear drop back to the Abyss, with a small platform, allowing easy one-way access to Sector 1A. At the top is another travel pipe that bends towards the first sector before making its way to the enclosed area in Sector 2. Here is the exit pool with a wind cannon to get back to Sector 3.

Transformation Engine Scores[]

The table below shows the minimum scores required to unlock these engines.

Hanging Gardens Transformation Engine Scores
Transformation Engine Number Which Sector is it in? Minimum Score Required
1 Sector 1B (The Abyss) 50,000
2 Sector 3 (Workers' Homes) 260,000

In-Level Awards[]

In total there are nine awards. The table below will only show eight of them as one is simply to paint everything.

Hanging Gardens Awards
Awards What is needed to acquire the award?
Time Complete the level in 25:00 minutes
Trees Paint 22 Trees
Raydians Save 120 Raydians
Billboards Paint 18 Billboards
Challenges Complete all 30 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 8 INKT Landmarks (Including the Major Landmark)
Styles Collect 13 Styles
Transformation Engines Activate 2 Engines

Bonus Quests[]

As in every level, there are two bonus quests to unlock, that you can go into using the level selection screen. For this you need to unlock the silver and gold medals. This can be done by raising your colour energy by painting the map. The table below shows the scores and what it unlocks.

Hanging Gardens Bonus Quests
Medals How much is needed to acquire the medal? What does it unlock?
Silver 280,000 Billboard o' Rama
Gold 360,000 Inky Canyon

Hanging Gardens Video Walkthrough[]


De Blob PS4 - Level 7 - Hanging Gardens

Hanging Gardens 100% Walkthrough (Exc. Bonus Missions)[]


De Blob PS4 100% - Hanging Gardens

de Blob Levels

Previous: The Docklands

Next: Chroma City Fun Park

Levels in the de Blob series
De Blob
1 Last Resort • 2 Uptown • 3 Downtown (Chroma City) • 4 Chroma Dam • 5 Guggentraz Island • 6 The Docklands • 7 Hanging Gardens • 8 Chroma City Fun Park • 9 Ministry of Ink • 10 Lake Raydia
De Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)
Secret Lab 1 Basic Beats • 2 Tip of the Iceberg • 3 Bunsen Burner Breakout • 4 Exit, Lab Left • 5 Lab Labyrinth
Chroma City 1 Chroma City Limits • 2 INKT Invasion • 3 The Liberator • 4 Blob the Hero! • 5 Chroma City Cruisin'
Chroma Ghetto 1 Back Alley Beats • 2 Color Crusader • 3 Tricky Traversal • 4 Factory Finder • 5 Ghetto Get Around
War Factory 1 Hostile Takeover • 2 The Puppet Master • 3 Production Line Blues • 4 Factory Fight • 5 Problem Solver
Pipeline 1 Pipe Dream • 2 Raydian Revolution • 3 Pipeline Plummet • 4 Piping Hot • 5 Underground Updraft
Volcanic Lair 1 Evil Lair Exposure • 2 Circuit Breaker • 3 Raydian Rescue • 4 Rocket Racer • 5 INKT Theme Park
Launch Pad 1 The Final Showdown
De Blob 2
1 Paradise Island • 2 Downtown (Prisma City) • 3 Blanctown • 4 The Senate • 5 Comrade Black U. /State College • 6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls • 7 Inktron Collider /Hydrostation • 8 Blanc TV Factory /House of Fun • 9 Prison Zoo /Orbital Habitats • 10 Inky Fabricator /Railyards • 11 Rocket Range • 12 Hypno Ray