De Blob Wiki

Ink is the main obstacle in de Blob and de Blob 2. As seen in the Inky Fabricator, an Inky starts out as raw ink, but then is given a belt, hat, eye, and batton placed on them. They are then given an electrical zap to bring them to life.

It is also seen in Chroma City Fun Park that Graydians release ink, most likely because of their unhappiness.

A basic Inky's baton could contain a certain ammount of ink, as when Blob is hit by an Inky's baton he's then inked.

One may become confused how a Raydian reacts to ink. If they are squished by Blob while he is inked, they die. In de Blob 2, if they drink ink directly they are turned into a mindless Blanc. Standing on Frozen Ink in the Inktron Collider, a Raydian also seems to be fine.
