De Blob Wiki

The Ink Treatment Plant is the major landmark of the seventh level of de blob, Hanging Gardens. INKT had converted the fabled gardens into a distillery, creating their toxic ink from the concentrated ink delivered from the Centrifuge in Chroma City Fun Park. As it is a core production facility, it is well defended by the Inkies.


The facility consists of three towers, two of which are separate freestanding structures with a central large structure; and 18 pools of ink and water. The pools are split into two circles, with the inner circle consisting of 6 pools, and the outer circle - consisting of 12 pools. The inner pool has three open water pools, along with three closed pools of ink, and are arranged in an alternating pattern of water and ink.

The outer circle has a similar sequence, but all of these pools are filled with ink. They are arranged with two closed pools followed by a open pool with a platform in the middle. The rear four closed pools have a switch nearby that allows those pools to be opened. This is useful when clearing out the landmark's defences. Note the rest of the closed pools will open upon completing this challenge.

The main central structure has the logo at the bottom with dried ink leaking from the top of the section. Above that is an open pump with four bars surrounding it. This is followed by an indent with a small solid black section. The final section is the top, where the exterior has eight tanks of ink surrounding it. There are pipes from the bottom of the tank coming from the bottom of this section. This is entirely supported by a cylindrical irrotational axle. At the very top is a big charcoal black structure to the left, tall pipes on a platform holding a Z - Jump pad in the middle, and a travel tube to the right.

The freestanding pillars are at their narrowest at the halfway point. Both of them have a Z - Jump pad placed onto its side, and both have a similar colour scheme to one another. Between the two circles of pools, there is a silo with two small sets of pipes and a long line connecting to the main structure. Close to the center is a wind cannon, aimed at the bottom of the top structure. The left pillar holds a style pickup at the top.


This landmark is relatively simple, as long as you don't fall into the ink. The paint requirements themselves are quite low, so it should not take long to complete this. The Purple weak point is one of the easiest as it is reachable by using the silo to the left. Green's weak point is at the bottom of the top central structure, so use the wind cannon to get there. The final weak point is Orange, and that can be accessed using the Z - Jump.


Major Landmarks in de Blob
{Paintbot Transmitter - Last Resort} • {INKT Propaganda Centre - Uptown} • {Church of Inktology - Downtown} • {Chroma Dam - Chroma Dam} • {Guggentraz Island - Guggentraz Island} • {Uplink Tower - The Docklands} • {Ink Treatment Plant - Hanging Gardens} • {The Centrifuge - Chroma City Fun Park} • {Ministry of Ink - Ministry of Ink}