Inkies are the most basic enemy in the De Blob games. They're the most generic and most common type of soldier in the INKT army, usually used to do grunt police work. They're mainly seen as cannon fodder by Comrade Black and are probably the easiest type of Inky to manufacture, given the sheer amount of them in existence.
In De Blob and De Blob 2 (DS), Inkies resemble Prismans but they're all made of Ink. They have only one robotic eye, wear a helmet with their INKT logo (an ink droplet with a star in the middle and have a grey outline outside the ink droplet), and wielding batons.
In De Blob 2, Inkies have a metallic look instead of being completely black (meaning that they give off a little reflectance). They now wear belts, their helmet's INKT logo is slightly bigger (and the outline was removed), and they have a white iris instead of a blank one.
In De Blob, Inkies will pursue Blob and try to hit him with their batons. If an Inky manages to hit Blob, he'll be inked and his paint points will drain rapidly, requiring him to find water and wash off the ink before he loses all his paint points and dies. Inkies only take 1 paint point to defeat.
In De Blob 2 (DS), they'll do the same thing as in De Blob, as they'll take away one chunk of Blob's health. They do not require paint points as Blob has unlimited paint points, so Blob can simply slam or stomp on them.
In de Blob 2, Inkies are much less dangerous. They behave exactly the same way, but their batons don't ink Blob this time around. Instead, getting hit by an Inky simply results in Blob losing a few paint points. In this game, Inkies take 5 paint points to defeat instead of 1.
- In de Blob 2, Inkies will wear different outfits at certain levels.
- In the Inktron Collider, they wear scarfs, helmet beanies, having ski boards attached to their feet, and wield ski sticks instead of batons.
- At the Rocket Laboratory in Comrade Black U, Rocket Range and Hypno Ray, they will wear an astronaut helmet with antennas on the side. [A]
- In De Blob, Inkies are a bit nicer to some Graydians (one tried to help up a dizzy Graydian when he couldn't get up).
- In De Blob 2, Inkies are now considered rude to every Graydian, due to Comrade Black's return.
- In the Inky Fabricator, it is shown that Inkies are born when their eyes are attached to their "face," causing an electricity effect to give them life.
- This also applies to other Inkies as well.
Enemies | |
Introduced in de Blob | Inky • Heavy Inky • Leechbot • Inky Jet Bike • Inky Tank • Inky Turret • Elite Inky • Giant Robot Inky |
Introduced in de Blob 2 (DS) | Bladebot • Armored Inky • Grenadier Inky • Electric Inky • Blob Inky • Winged Inky |
Introduced in de Blob 2 | Blanc • Hypnodisc • Shepherd • Sergeant Inky • Inky Mortar • Bomb Bot • Spikey Inky • Monster |
Antagonists | Comrade Black • Dr. Von Blot (De Blot) • Arctic Inky • Cowboy Inky • Dean Inky • Knight Inky • Russian Inky • Skier Inky • Inky Scientist (Inky Marshall) • Inky Scientist (Unit) |