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Lake Raydia is the tenth and final level in de Blob. It serves as a continuation to the previous level: Ministry of Ink. This is the final confrontation between Blob and Comrade Black in the game and the first to have a space setting, rather then entirely sticking to Chroma City. In addition, it is the only level to not appear in Free Paint Mode. Black's supposed fate at the end of the level was revealed to be his survival but being stranded somewhere in the ocean. Where exactly was not known until de Blob 2.


As the Ministry was falling, Black was cornered; not wanting to get captured, he takes off in his personal ship and heads back to his ship that has been docked in the center of Lake Raydia. It turns out that the stolen colour from The Docklands was destined to arrive here. Black plans to take the colour into space and destroy it in a black hole forever. Blob races against the clock to get to the docks and out into the lake to land on the spaceship before it takes off. On the ship, Blob jettisons the silos, preventing its destruction, and sabotage the engines to stop them in their tracks. With no-one else to stop Blob, Black confronts Blob at the top of the ship and is defeated. Blob in turns activates a transformation engine to destroy the ship and escapes just as the ship explodes. The Colour Underground and Raydians celebrate the victory, thinking that is the end of Comrade Black and INKT. Unknown to them however, Black survived the explosion and landed head-first onto a island in the middle of the ocean

Click here to see the Mission flow for this level.

Loading Screen Dialogue


—Inky Soldier

Comrade Black is getting away!


He's taking all our color with him!


His spaceship is docked at Lake Raydia.


Evacuation underway.

—Heavy Inky

We gotta get there before it takes off!


Ha! Those fools will never catch me!

Comrade Black

Liftoff in T - 10 minutes.

—Elite Inky

Where did everybody go? Somebody? Anybody?

INKT news anchor

Sectors in Lake Raydia

Due to the nature of the level, Sector 1 will be split into multiple parts; despite that Sector 1 technically does not end until the sector gate halfway along the ship, that particular part will be considered as its own sector. Therefore, this will have three sectors.

Sector 1: Race to the Spaceship

This comprises of the industrial district and docks. This will be split into three parts.

Sector 1A: Clearing the Ink

West of the entrance pool is cliffs with walls to the south, steps and a ramp to the north and a ink canal to the east; with more ink flowing into it from the pipes above. At the top of the steps is some heavy pumping machinery. Behind the machinery is a tall fence with buildings in the background. Heading east is another ramps, some silos and tall buildings. On top of a small silo is a z-jump to cross the gap over the canal and onto another group of silos. Looking west is some rockets encased by walls. The next area is filled with ink, save for some islands, which can be reached thanks to some pipes with a part of the fence that has fallen off. The central island has some Elites with some trees just off to the side. The south and east directions are covered by fences, and cliffs to the north.

Clearing the elites and going up the ramp to the next small section in front of the water pump, is a tall fence, which both Inky and Colour Tanks can be seen speeding across a arch bridge. Again, ink floods this area and some islands with trees and pipes are the only way to navigate these areas. More cliffs cover the sides and a tree stands alone on a edge near the water pump. Where the red paintbot is some pipes that slope downwards towards the large pipes seen at the beginning. From those angled pipes, access to a billboard on the wall is achievable. Getting back to the paintbot and heading towards the docks, is a small island on the right with three trees in a row, with water on the left. Another wall with partial fences block this section. High above is some platforms and tunnels with many liberated Raydians standing there, cheering Blob. Beyond that is more cliffs to the sides, as well as separated part of the fence, are some silos, with a small span fence blocking further access. Therefore, a z-jump can be used to get there.

Sector 1B: The Docks (1)

Upon entering the Docks, it is split into two parts by tall fences. At the back is two spires; a row of silos with switches line across the area with stampers in between. The switches control the colour transport into the massive grey silos behind the fences. Each silo is connected by a large pipe to individual stacked silos on the right side, next to some cliffs. To the left is a line of pump machines. In the center is four ink pools with a switch in the middle to purify it to water. At the end is a group of Heavies and some more silos to the right. Past the Heavies, are some trees to the left and right of the platform. Straight ahead is the dock platforms and connect to the other side of the grey silos. A Elite ambush occurs on the platforms on the way to the second water pump, which gets rid of most of the ink from Lake Raydia. Exactly like the other side, there are some silos with switches to stop the transfer of colour, and stampers in between the silos. In addition, there is a underwater pipe that spurts colour when a switch is slammed.

Sector 1C: The Docks (2) and Catching a Ride

Arriving at the second area of the docks, a group of Elites appear (with all seven colours). A container ship sits in the back with two turrets, one at the forecastle (front of the ship) on a silo, and another one in front of the bridge. Few silos are on the ship with one being stacked and the other being connected to a tall silo. In the center is a grey silo with scaffolding. Under the deck of the ship are the last remaining Graydians. Six cranes tower above the road with some being guarded by either one or two Heavies. Both sides have z-jumps to get to the top. As the road passes the cranes, it snakes until it reaches a tunnel. A ramp leads from the road to the container ship with a pump machine behind it. A small group of Heavies guard two Colour Tanks near the lake wall. Slightly below is a pipe that runs to the silo. There are two islands near the ship; they have silos with some trees and a ship. The cranes facing away are also lifting a heavy grey silo. The furthest one of these crane connects to a tower with pipes; halfway down is a platform with a style. This pathway is used to cross over the ink that's covering the bay. Two silos have fallen into the lake and can be used to cross the waters. A platform with a switch is also connected to some vertical stampers which, when slammed, raise pontoons, allowing easy access to an island with some silos. Several ships encircle the area, acting as one of the paths to the other side. Finally some platforms with pipes lead to a z-jump and Comrade Black's Ship. This area is polluted with ink. Make sure you got everything before proceeding as this is the first point of no return in this level!

Sector 2: Boarding and Sabotaging

The spaceship is mostly symmetrical with the exception of the landing area, as there is no ramp. It is split into four levels, with the top solely for the boss fight. There are gaps between sections, so a z-jump makes traversing easier. Inkies coming out of elevators constantly respawn, so do not focus fighting them.

More INKT Helicopters stand idle next to the engines. Lines of blocks with missiles and pipes are tightly packed together. A tall spire standing on a slightly raised platform is angled. A Heavy along with frequently respawning Elites patrol the decks. Missiles line the sides of the ship in groups of three. At the back, two big pipes come out of the deck and into the hull. More blocks line the deck in rows and INKT Flags adorn the walls of the ship. Next to these blocks are the grey containers. Crossing the gap using a z-jump, even more blocks appear. Here, there are some covers for something. Two pipes line the gap with the exit facing downwards. Passing another grey silo is again blocks, enemies and more gaps. At the end, a ramp allows Blob to reach the second level. Some blocks and missiles are underneath the ramp, which could also have styles.

At the second level, Blob can reach the top of the silos and jettison them. The first silo is red and guarded by Heavies. To the right is some silos. The pathway to the next colour silos are defended not only by electric traps, but Inky Turrets as well. These turrets rest of top on a group of silos with a fan on each side. Transforming the second silo removes the electric plates to its left. Sometimes when silos are jettisoned, there can be styles or bonus colour energy. These areas always have two groups of missiles. At the last group of colour containers, a ramp leads to the third level. Underneath the ramp is more blocks, silos and a style. AT the third level, are some spires, more silos, missiles and a group of Heavies defending a sector gate. With regards to the yellow silo, best approach would be to wall run on the electric plates.

Sector 3: Jettison the Secondary Colours

Past the gate is more silos, along with the stand for Comrade Black's Ship seen at the top of the Ministry. Groups of Elites guard this level; defeating them and descending to the second level, is the green colour silos, followed by blue and purple. A trio of turrets guard the blue colour silos on top of some silos with two fans on either side. Getting to the purple silos can be done by wall running along electric plates. Guarding this is some Heavies. Beyond them is the fins of the spaceship. One of them has a hole, which allows a z-jump to be used to get to the engines. On the fins are platforms, both with Heavies and styles (get these before transforming the engines as you won't be able to get them after the engines are transformed!). Jumping normally through the hole is a group of silos with pipes on either side and a smaller pipe from the front. There are three nozzles for the propulsion system of the ship. A style is located on the lower nozzle with some pipes in the back. Caution is advised when traversing the thin walkway to the engines. After transforming, ink will pool near the purple silo and the original access point (and z-jump) will be blocked by streams of ink. Therefore, another z-jump will take Blob to the ramps to the lower decks. Note of the silos below the ramp. Colouring the silos, spires and missiles leads to the opposite side of the piston engines. The area holds one Heavy with Elites which constantly respawn and a turret that is sat on a silo at the top of the ramp. Nearby, are the piston heads and in front is a spire with the INKT logo at the top. The final sector gate is at the top of the ramp.

Comrade Black Robot Boss Fight

Note: Please refer to Giant Robot Inky for a detailed walkthrough to beating it.

This is another point of no return. A small path leads to a large open arena with spike traps, water fountains and a ink pool in the middle. Heading closer to the area causes the gates behind to close, meaning you can't go back. The boss rises from the pool with two ink cannons. This fight is broken into four stages with the same objective: paint the fuel rods in a certain colour, expose the weak point and deposit 50 paint points of any colour into it. Elite Inkies will spawn constantly, so be careful of them.

After depositing the last 50 paint points into the weak point, the robot shuts down with Black trapped inside the cockpit. The Elites stop respawning and the spikes deactivate. A transformation engine spawns in the entrance to the arena. Slam it to win and beat the game.

Transformation Engine Scores

The table below shows the minimum scores required to unlock these engines.

Lake Raydia Transformation Engine Scores
Transformation Engine Number Which Sector is it in? Minimum Score Required
1 Boss Arena 90,000 (Beat the Boss to unlock it)

In-Level Awards

In total there are nine awards. The table below will only show eight of them as one is simply to paint everything.

Lake Raydia Awards
Awards What is needed to acquire the award?
Time Complete the level in 27:00 minutes
Trees Paint 26 Trees
Raydians Save 24 Raydians
Billboards Paint 2 Billboards
Challenges Complete all 6 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 10 INKT Landmarks
Styles Collect 13 Styles
Transformation Engines Activate 1 Engine

Point of No Return Statistics

For those who are aiming for the 100% completion, these are the criteria you need to have met.

Lake Raydia: Point of No Return 1 Awards
Awards What Percentage is Needed Before Boarding the Ship?
Percentage Painted Reach at least 50% Painted Completion
Trees Paint 15/15 Trees
Raydians Save 24 Raydians
Billboards Paint 2/2 Billboards
Challenges Complete 6/6 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 3/10 INKT Landmarks
Styles Collect 6/13 Styles
Blimp Paint the Colour Underground Blimp
Note that the Blimp spawns right at the beginning.

After boarding the spaceship, there should be only 2 awards not fully completed (Excluding the % completed award, and the transformation engine spawns after the fight). Check the progress of these awards before facing the Boss.

Lake Raydia: Point of No Return 2 Awards
Awards What Percentage is Needed Before Facing the Boss?
Percentage Painted Reach at least 95% Painted Completion
Landmarks Transform 10/10 INKT Landmarks
Styles Collect 13/13 Styles

Bonus Quests

As in every level, there are two bonus quests to unlock, that you can go into using the level selection screen. For this you need to unlock the silver and gold medals. This can be done by raising your colour energy by painting the map. The table below shows the scores and what it unlocks.

Lake Raydia Bonus Quests
Medals How much is needed to acquire the medal? What does it unlock?
Silver 120,000 Sinking Feeling
Gold 150,000 Tower of Power

Lake Raydia Video Walkthrough


De Blob PS4 - Level 10 - Lake Raydia + Final Boss + Credits

Lake Raydia 100% Video Walkthrough (Exc. Bonus Missions)


De Blob PS4 100% - Lake Raydia

Levels in the de Blob series
De Blob
1 Last Resort • 2 Uptown • 3 Downtown (Chroma City) • 4 Chroma Dam • 5 Guggentraz Island • 6 The Docklands • 7 Hanging Gardens • 8 Chroma City Fun Park • 9 Ministry of Ink • 10 Lake Raydia
De Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)
Secret Lab 1 Basic Beats • 2 Tip of the Iceberg • 3 Bunsen Burner Breakout • 4 Exit, Lab Left • 5 Lab Labyrinth
Chroma City 1 Chroma City Limits • 2 INKT Invasion • 3 The Liberator • 4 Blob the Hero! • 5 Chroma City Cruisin'
Chroma Ghetto 1 Back Alley Beats • 2 Color Crusader • 3 Tricky Traversal • 4 Factory Finder • 5 Ghetto Get Around
War Factory 1 Hostile Takeover • 2 The Puppet Master • 3 Production Line Blues • 4 Factory Fight • 5 Problem Solver
Pipeline 1 Pipe Dream • 2 Raydian Revolution • 3 Pipeline Plummet • 4 Piping Hot • 5 Underground Updraft
Volcanic Lair 1 Evil Lair Exposure • 2 Circuit Breaker • 3 Raydian Rescue • 4 Rocket Racer • 5 INKT Theme Park
Launch Pad 1 The Final Showdown
De Blob 2
1 Paradise Island • 2 Downtown (Prisma City) • 3 Blanctown • 4 The Senate • 5 Comrade Black U. /State College • 6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls • 7 Inktron Collider /Hydrostation • 8 Blanc TV Factory /House of Fun • 9 Prison Zoo /Orbital Habitats • 10 Inky Fabricator /Railyards • 11 Rocket Range • 12 Hypno Ray