Major Landmarks are much harder to eliminate than normal Landmarks. They require 1-3 colours to transform. These are also the main target in all de Blob levels. They are often protected by Inkies and hazards. Like normal landmarks, these are also immune to colour and must be weakened by depositing colour into them.
de Blob 2 changes the gameplay when dealing with landmarks in general. Instead of requiring a certain colour and number of paint points, you also will need to navigate and clear out the interior in 2D.
These were former Raydian infrastructure before the INKT invasion of Chroma City and during the events of de blob 2. In the aftermath and subsequent occupation, notable landmarks where taken over and converted so that they would help the Corporation.
Major Landmarks in de Blob[]
- Paintbot Transmitter (Last Resort) - This only requires 50 yellow paint points in one place. Only hazard present is the ink canal to the left of the transmitter.
- INKT Propaganda Centre (Uptown) - This is the first of the major landmarks which need 3 different colours. This requires 30 paint points of red, blue and yellow. Avoid the Leechbots.
- Church of Inktology (Downtown) - This needs 50 paint points of red, yellow and blue. Be careful of the heat plates when climbing the building.
- Chroma Dam (Chroma Dam) - This is only a bit challenging as you have to sprint to the top without falling whilst avoiding the stompers and heat plates. Once at the top, you need to activate two switches on either side of the dam to cause the platforms to rise up, helping you out. You need 50 paint points of yellow, blue (these are only reachable when the switches have been activated), and green; watch out for Heavy Inkies and Leechbots at the top of the dam.
- Guggentraz Island Prison (Guggentraz Island) - Requires 50 colour points of red, yellow, and blue to the same section of the landmark; watch out for the ink, spikes and Inkies.
- Uplink Tower (The Docklands) - Be careful of the electric plates. Requires 50 paint points of yellow, red and orange (Use the wind cannon for red; Z - jump for orange and the yellow is near the back near the 'satellite dish').
- Ink Treatment Plant (Hanging Gardens) - Requires 30 paint points of orange, purple and green (Z-jumps for orange, ground for purple, and wind cannon for green); watch out for the ink pools.
- The Centrifuge (Chroma City Fun Park) - You need 50 paint points of blue and yellow; you will need to use the roller-coaster to get there. This one can be annoying as sometimes the game freezes after the landmark is transformed.
- Ministry of Ink (Ministry of INK) Requires 50 brown paint points on three different parts of the landmark. One of them will require you to transform a water pump (50 green paint points) in order for you to get to it.
Major Landmarks in de Blob 2[]
- Cannon (Paradise Island) - Does not have any requirement to enter it.
- Cult Center (Downtown (Prisma City)) - Needs 80 Orange paint points to enter. Be vary of the Blancs that patrol it.
- Cult Enclave (Blanctown) - Requires 40 Red Paint Points. Be wary for the white plates and Shepherds.
- Prisma City Senate (The Senate) - 30 Brown Paint Points. Hot Plates, along with Sergeant and regular Inkies surround it. Extra caution is needed if you need to get the paintbots since they are on the plates.
- Rocket Laboratory (Comrade Black University/State College) - Use the Wrecking Ball powerup to cross the lake and ascend the tower. At the top, deposit 60 Red Paint Points to get inside.
- Mucho Mocha Soda Tower (Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls) - Activate the Z-Jumps with purple to activate the gravity walls. Roll up and slam the brown colour switch to activate the pistons to get you to the top. This needs 60 Brown Paint Points.
- Inktron Collider (Inktron Collider/Hydrostation) - 80 Yellow Paint Points. Rescue 200 Graydians throughout the level to unlock the Z-Jump to the top.
- INKT Brain (Blanc TV Factory/House of Fun) - 50 Green Paint Points. Make your way to the top - slam switches and defeat Inkies. Be careful at the top as there will be a Hypnodisc patrol as well as Blancs.
- Orbital Habitat Control Tower (Prison Zoo/Orbital Habitats) - Get to the top, avoiding the electric plates and Inkies and get inside with 100 Orange Paint Points.
- Inky Fabricator (Inky Fabricator/Railyards) - Does not require any certain number of paint points or a specific colour.
- Rocket (Rocket Range) - Complete the primary challenges at the launch pad to raise the rocket and enter it with 100 red points.
- Hypno-Ray (Hypno Ray) - After deactivating the forcefield (done from the final asteroid {brown}), jump in with 50 orange points.