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Ministry of Ink is the ninth level and district of de Blob. Like the Chroma Dam, it is the namesake of the major landmark, being the Headquarters (HQ) of the INKT Corporation after their invasion of Chroma City. It is the last time the Inky Tank is treated as a significant threat and some landmarks make their final appearance, such as: The Watchtower, Jails, Police Stations, Tank Depots and Power Stations.


With the Revolution completed, it was time to confront Comrade Black, in the hopes of bringing him to justice. However, since it was the HQ of INKT, a frontal assault was simply too costly in terms of lives. Therefore, it was decided to get Blob into the complex and transform it within. Making his way, he encounters the Mega Reactor - a shield generator for the Ministry. Shutting it down, he faces off with the last of the Inky Tanks and their depot. With that cleared, he shuts down the last police station and propaganda tower. The last stretch sees him deal with the watchtower and a drop bridge as a trap. Clearing it, Blob arrives at the Ministry; evading all the turret fire and Elites, he transforms the Ministry....

Click here to see the Mission flow for this level.

Loading Screen Dialogue[]

We've chased INKT into their last bastion.


Blob, you must go over the wall and sabotage the Ministry of Ink.


Be sure to do it in style!


I've never seen so many Inkies in one place...


Our heroic Inky soldiers stand ready to protect our way of life.

INKT news anchor


—Yellow Elite Inky


—Inky Soldier


—Heavy Inky


—Inky Turret

Standing by.

—Inky Tank

Fight to the last drop of ink!

Comrade Black

Sectors in Ministry of Ink[]

There are four sectors in this level, but Sectors 2 and 4 will be split. It should be noted that all of the walls in this level are flowing with ink, and most will only be cleared with a Transformation Engine.

Sector 1: Home of the Elites, A Large Statue and Last Jails

The entrance pool is at a distance from the compound. It is in a field covered in grass with cliffs to the east and west. Behind the pool is a fence with a container ship with many Raydians on board. To the west is some large pipes and to the north is a tunnel with statues of Inkies on both sides of the road. Destroyed tanks sit on the road with ink clouds emanating from the wreckage. Next to it is a group of warehouses and right at the front is a wind cannon aimed at the top of the walls.. This small area is cordoned by fences. Between this area and the complex is a ink-covered road with some pouring from tower pipes and more destroyed tanks, with the road going into a tunnel to come out on the other side. Again, cliffs line the east and west sides.

The perimeter of the complex is corned by tall towers. Right at the front is the parade ground, flanked by two INKT Police Stations and a statue of Black holding a black INKT flag. A z-jump is located here to head back up onto the lookout point. Two statues are in the northern ends of the parade ground; with one being a Heavy Inky and the other being a Elite Inky. The buildings behind the police stations are mirrored and contains towers, warehouses and blocks. Many blocks have missiles on their roof [A]. In front of the parade ground is a large group of buildings where the Elites were first created, with one building having a ramp to the top. This particular building also houses two turrets; two more are on the parade ground. The last two jail cells are located on either side of the buildings. The jail on the left has a row of buildings running around in the north-west. Another group of warehouses line the corner to the south. On the other side, a group of warehouses are fenced off with some Elites guarding the rooftops. Once again, a row of buildings occupy the south-eastern corner. Billboards are plastered around the perimeter. The road circles this sector with some roads splitting off and re-joining shortly afterwards. A Colour Tank is located at the back of the blocks to the north. A tunnel stands directly facing the parade ground with a road heading back to the fenced area in the beginning. At the sector gate, two more statues of Heavies and Inkies guard the gate.

Sector 2: The Counter, Power Station and The Mega Reactor

Sector 2A: The Counter and The Power Station

This area is quite thin as it contains just warehouses and blocks. The road continues into here and turns left, heading straight until the road ends and it splits into two directions; with one heading into a fenced-off area with more warehouses, and one ends with a platform up to the next part. Two spike traps are placed on the ground with about 15 Inkies there. Progressing towards the ramp, one of the blocks has subsided to its side. This may have been a deliberate act to block the path for Blob. Heading up to the top and up another ramp is a group of silos with a power station all the way on the right, surrounded by pipes and towers. On the silos is a wind cannon that is aimed into the Mega Reactor Complex. The top of the wall is lined with spike traps.

Sector 2B: Mega Reactor Complex

This complex has a central fenced-off area housing the reactor, which uses the ink lake to cool and supplies the fuel rods submerged underneath. Transforming the three water pumps using z-jumps to cross the lake lowers the level and finally transforms it into water. With the ink gone, the fuel rods resurface, each need to be painted a certain colour. The first stage is quite simple as there are no Inkies present. The second stage is slightly harder as Inkies and Heavies appear. The final stage involves the central part of the rod groups being replaced with ink; again Inkies are deployed. With that done, the Mega Reactor is decommissioned. Dotted around the complex is wind cannons to get back up to the rods in case Blob falls off. Note that the main wind cannon back to the power will be inactive until this mission is completed. A fuel rod rises with a z-jump to the sector gate above.

Sector 3: End of the Tanks and INKT Lies

Another small thin area with some pump machinery in the beginning. Columns of hot plates stand by the road on both sides with billboards over them. Another group of Inkies spawn (19 to be exact) near the plates. Beyond them is more pump machinery with a open gate into the training grounds. Here, two inky tanks guard the depot with INKT elevators placed around the training ground. The road starts at the beginning of the sector and heads to the grounds before splitting into two, circling the ground and again splitting, so some sections of road continue straight ahead for a short distance before reaching a dead end. In groups of three trees are placed in the corners around the grounds. In front is the tank depot with a road running straight towards it. Adjacent to it is warehouses, which comprise the back end of the lower level. The west and east sides are comprised of a row of blocks with some Big Paintbots/Paintbots standing on its roofs. Up on the upper levels is the last propaganda tower, being defended by a singular turret. On the other side is the police station which, running all along the east side, is INKT Helicopters - the same ones that rained misery onto the City. The sector gate is located between the two upper level landmarks with vertical stampers in two columns on either side.

Sector 4: The Final Approach, The Fall and the Attack on the Ministry

Sector 4A: The Final Approach

Once entering this sector, a large fence blocks the right, that doesn't have anything important, save for a collapsed cliff, with a slumped tower acting as evidence. Heading left is a hill with a large spike trap that has two trees next to a switch which has a short deactivation time. At the top, another row of blocks on the right with some connected by pipes with pump machinery on the left of the road. Said road starts at the bottom before climbing up and turning left. It continues straight on until the watchtower and then turns right towards the Ministry. On the top of the wall for the last sector is electric plates. Heading towards the watchtower leads to a ambush of three groups of ten Inkies. The watchtower stands in the back with some Elites spawning in from the elevator nearby. As the road turns right, there is a checkpoint before partially stopping at the bridge.

Sector 4B: The Fall

Heading onto the bridge, is another enclosed section with towers adorned with INKT flags on the perimeter and down below. The dual - lane freeway bridge spans the gap between the watchtower and the Ministry. However, the bridge is a trap! Halfway along the span, the section of the bridge drops and Blob is dropped in the area down below, designed as a trap. Two Turrets and groups of Elites with some Heavies attack Blob. The area in question is a oval shape with the turrets being protected in the front by spike traps. Outlets on the walls constantly pour in ink with some towers standing in the ink. On the southern end is a wind cannon and a style to get back up onto the bridge. Note that once the bridge drops, there is NO way to get back.

Sector 4C: Attack on the Ministry of Ink

A lot of turrets are stationed on the ground, on blocks and on towers so extreme caution is advised. In front is the Ministry of Ink, a grey monolith with ink flowing down parts of its front, the sides and the back. Black's Ship sits on top of the Ministry as a part of the structure. There are two areas in the lower section with similar appearances. A massive logo in the middle with blocks of buildings in the corners. Some trees are placed in between with a billboard. There is one difference: the area on the left has a statue on top of the logo, whilst the right area doesn't. This is because the right has a z-jump to get to the back of the Ministry, where the exit pool, transform engine and a water pump are located. It is imperative that the water pump is to be transformed as one of the weak points of the Ministry is hidden behind the ink waterfall. Many of the turrets guarding the Ministry are located here, so Blob needs to be constantly on the move. On the other side is another z-jump to get to the top of the Ministry. As the Ministry falls, the ship floats upwards...

Transformation Engine Scores[]

The table below shows the minimum scores required to unlock these engines.

Ministry of Ink Transformation Engine Scores
Transformation Engine Number Which Sector is it in? Minimum Score Required
1 Sector 1 (Parade Ground) 80,000
2 Sector 3 (Training Ground) 200,000
3 Sector 4C (Ministry of Ink) 225,000

In-Level Awards[]

In total there are nine awards. The table below will only show eight of them as one is simply to paint everything.

Ministry of Ink Awards
Awards What is needed to acquire the award?
Time Complete the level in 24:30 minutes
Trees Paint 15 Trees
Raydians Save 72 Raydians
Billboards Paint 17 Billboards
Challenges Complete all 17 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 16 INKT Landmarks (Including the Major Landmark)
Styles Collect 13 Styles
Transformation Engines Activate 3 Engines
Blimp Paint the Colour Underground Blimp

Point of No Return Statistics[]

For those who are aiming for the 100% completion, these are the criteria you need to have met before crossing the bridge.

Ministry of Ink: Point of No Return Awards
Awards What is needed before crossing?
Percentage Painted Reach at least 88% Painted Completion
Trees Paint 14/15 Trees
Raydians Save 72 Raydians
Billboards Paint 15/17 Billboards
Challenges Complete 15/17 Colour Underground Missions
Landmarks Transform 14/16 INKT Landmarks
Styles Collect 11/13 Styles
Transformation Engines Activate 2 Engines
Blimp Paint the Colour Underground Blimp
Note that the Blimp spawns after you activate the second transformation engine

Bonus Quests[]

As in every level, there are two bonus quests to unlock, that you can go into using the level selection screen. For this you need to unlock the silver and gold medals. This can be done by raising your colour energy by painting the map. The table below shows the scores and what it unlocks.

Ministry of Ink Bonus Quests
Medals How much is needed to acquire the medal? What does it unlock?
Silver 250,000 Hill Climb
Gold 340,000 Deep Down

Ministry of Ink Video Walkthrough[]


De Blob PS4 - Level 9 - Ministry of Ink

Ministry of Ink 100% Video Walkthrough (Exc. Bonus Missions)[]


De Blob PS4 100% - Ministry of Ink

Levels in the de Blob series
De Blob
1 Last Resort • 2 Uptown • 3 Downtown (Chroma City) • 4 Chroma Dam • 5 Guggentraz Island • 6 The Docklands • 7 Hanging Gardens • 8 Chroma City Fun Park • 9 Ministry of Ink • 10 Lake Raydia
De Blob 2 (Nintendo DS)
Secret Lab 1 Basic Beats • 2 Tip of the Iceberg • 3 Bunsen Burner Breakout • 4 Exit, Lab Left • 5 Lab Labyrinth
Chroma City 1 Chroma City Limits • 2 INKT Invasion • 3 The Liberator • 4 Blob the Hero! • 5 Chroma City Cruisin'
Chroma Ghetto 1 Back Alley Beats • 2 Color Crusader • 3 Tricky Traversal • 4 Factory Finder • 5 Ghetto Get Around
War Factory 1 Hostile Takeover • 2 The Puppet Master • 3 Production Line Blues • 4 Factory Fight • 5 Problem Solver
Pipeline 1 Pipe Dream • 2 Raydian Revolution • 3 Pipeline Plummet • 4 Piping Hot • 5 Underground Updraft
Volcanic Lair 1 Evil Lair Exposure • 2 Circuit Breaker • 3 Raydian Rescue • 4 Rocket Racer • 5 INKT Theme Park
Launch Pad 1 The Final Showdown
De Blob 2
1 Paradise Island • 2 Downtown (Prisma City) • 3 Blanctown • 4 The Senate • 5 Comrade Black U. /State College • 6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls • 7 Inktron Collider /Hydrostation • 8 Blanc TV Factory /House of Fun • 9 Prison Zoo /Orbital Habitats • 10 Inky Fabricator /Railyards • 11 Rocket Range • 12 Hypno Ray