De Blob Wiki

Power Stations are landmarks found within both Chroma and Prisma City. As their name suggests, they provide power to nearby machinery. While their fundamental purpose in de Blob is exactly as one expects, the buildings in de Blob 2 tend to be repurposed for other uses. Like watchtowers, they are rarely seen in most of the levels; in de Blob, first appearing in the sixth level, The Docklands, they appear two more times, each with only one located in the level. In de Blob 2, they appear more frequency (by one) from the previous game.

Power Stations in de Blob

First appearing in The Docklands, they tend to be isolated from nearby landmarks and are mostly guarded by either Inkies, Elite Inkies, or Inky Turrets. Appearance - wise, the main section is an inclined oval structure with two levels of foundations; the bottom level is a thin large black platform, and another inclined foundation on top. This foundation inclines inward, is quite thick, and has stairs leading to the front entrance doors of the building. The main section itself has three sections with the second one being a short black section which could be windows; with the upper section acting as the canopy to the windows. The roof has three chimneys, each bellowing black smoke into the sky. The sides have the classic INKT Logo with 6 small circular windows below it, grouped into three rows of pairs. Most of the exterior has a layer of soot covering it.

Power Stations in de Blob 2

Unlike its predecessor, there are two parts of the power station - the interior and the exterior.

For a detailed description for the interiors of the power stations, click on the relevant station in the table below. Note: Applies ONLY to de Blob 2.

These power stations are triangular prisms split into three sections and covered by metal plating. Whilst the bottom third of the foundations (First Section) is uniform (i.e. stays the same), the section above that inclines inwards about halfway and incline outwards to the section with triangular windows running its perimeter. There is also a set of circles on each side - the larger black circle, and the white

The second section is the smallest and is where the entrance to the structure is for Blob to enter. The INKT Logo can be seen on the sides. The upper section is larger than the previous section and acts as the roof for the structure. Whilst both parts incline inwards slightly, the lower portion is larger in area than the upper section. Said upper section has three chimneys placed at the vertices of the portion with two sets of circles on each side.

Table of Power Stations in de Blob

Power Stations in de Blob
Levels Does a Building exist in this level? If so, which sector(s)? How Many Paint Points are Required?
Number Name
1 Last Resort No -
2 Uptown No -
3 Downtown No -
4 Chroma Dam No -
5 Guggentraz Island No -
6 The Docklands Yes - One Sector 2 60 Blue Paint Points
7 Hanging Gardens Yes - One Sector 2 60 Purple Paint Points
8 Chroma City Fun Park No -
9 Ministry of Ink Yes - One Sector 2 60 Purple Paint Points
10 Lake Raydia No -

Table of Power Stations in de Blob 2

Power Stations in de Blob 2
Levels Does a Building exist in this level? If so, which sector(s)? How Many Paint Points are Required?
Number Name
1 Paradise Island No -
2 Downtown No -
3 Blanctown No -
4 The Senate No -
5 Comrade Black U./State College Yes - One Space Faculty 50 Orange Paint Points
6 Blanc Cola Cannery/Soda Falls No -
7 Inktron Collider/Hydrostation Yes - One Maximum Security 50 Green Paint Points
8 Blanc TV Factory/House of Fun No -
9 Prison Zoo/Orbital Habitats No -
10 Inky Fabricator/Railyards Yes - One Inky Fabricator 100 Blue Paint Points
11 Rocket Range Yes - Two Freedom Bridge 100 Brown Paint Points
Space Station 100 Brown Paint Points
12 Hypno Ray No -

Post - Transformation Gallery

Minor Landmarks
First Seen in de Blob Propaganda towerINKT FinanceINKT Police StationINKT OfficesWater PumpJail CellsTank DepotWatchtowerPower Station
First Seen in de Blob 2 LighthouseTown HallLibraryBlanc ChurchBankPrisman MemorialSoda Towers