De Blob Wiki

Spikey Inkies (or known as Spikies) are deadly types of Inkies seen in De Blob 2. They are known mostly for the huge spike on their helmet.


The first Spikey Inky was made in a testing area in the middle of a desert. Apparently, four Inky Scientists have made a giant iron helmet with a huge spike on top of it, as well as creating a Spikey Inky (who is very tired). They tested the quality of the helmet, by letting an Inky push a Blob prop onto a Z-Jump Piston. The prop instantly got destroyed as it landed on the helmet's spike, much to the Spikey Inky's surprise as he laughed a little.

However, the Inky Scientists want to push this further. They gave it a bazooka, which surprised the Spikey Inky. Another Blob prop was sent to the air and an alarm was set. Nervously, the Spikey Inky pressed the launch button quickly and the bazooka launched a missile at the prop (it behaved like a rocket ship, but split into four missiles) and it blew up the prop in the sky.

Unfortunately, the Inky who was supposed to help with the testing was unaware he was at where the props are going to spawn, as he fell on one and slipped at the piston, which launched him to the sky. The Spikey Inky thought it was another prop launched to the sky, so he launched the bazooka again (with a fashion to amaze one of the Inky Scientists)... until they noticed that it was an ordinary Inky that sadly blew up. But they were all unaware of the sliding Blob prop that was about to be rolled in. As soon as it rolled down onto the group, they all ran, but two Inky Scientists and the Spikey Inky were unfortunately rolled over by it. The remainings of the Spikey Inky got all over Comrade Black, who yelled furiously as his yell was heard echoing at the desert.


Spikey Inkies are larger than an average Inky, as well as being obese with a large belt on their fat waist. They also have an iron helmet on them, with a huge spike on top. They also wield a bazooka, which will ring if they detect Blob nearby.


Blob must be very careful while being in a Spikey Inky's range, as a target symbol will be set on him.

To defeat a Spikey Inky, Blob must not jump at all or else he'll be shot at. Unfortunately, once he jumps, he'll lose a large number of paint points. It costs 80 paint points to defeat it, which will be a challenge due to Blob having to find nearby color pools or Paintbots to regain paint points as other Spikey Inkies are out there, targeting him (however, this can be solved by upgrading Blob to lower the paint point cost for charging). If Blob gets too close to a Spikey Inky, it'll whack its own bazooka, inking Blob. It also deals a lot of damage, so watch the distance.


  • For some reason, the helmet does not show the INKT symbol despite it showing in the cutscene.
  • This is the very Inky to take that much paint points away from Blob.
  • This is one of the Inkies that are stationary, the others being Inky Tank, Inky Mortar, Inky Turret, Shepherd, and Grenadier Inky.
    • However, Inky Tanks in De Blob are stationary when they spot and fire at Blob.
      • In De Blob 2, Inky Tanks are always stationary but are not considered enemies.
Introduced in de Blob InkyHeavy InkyLeechbotInky Jet BikeInky TankInky TurretElite InkyGiant Robot Inky
Introduced in de Blob 2 (DS) BladebotArmored InkyGrenadier InkyElectric InkyBlob InkyWinged Inky
Introduced in de Blob 2 BlancHypnodiscShepherdSergeant InkyInky MortarBomb BotSpikey InkyMonster
Antagonists Comrade BlackDr. Von Blot (De Blot)Arctic InkyCowboy InkyDean InkyKnight InkyRussian Inky Skier InkyInky Scientist (Inky Marshall)Inky Scientist (Unit)