Fanmade RP crossover between Fairly OddParents and De Blob?
[In Dimmsdale, Timmy Turner, Chloe Carmichael, Poof, Cosmo and Wanda find out a species of blobs.]
Timmy Turner: What does this have to be about blobs? It's so cool being one without legs if you were to be!
Wanda Fairywinkle: Everyone! Emergency. We've just watched videos of many blobs in a world called Raydia, and we have to get there so, Timmy and Chloe, do the wish!
Timmy Turner: I'll do the honours, so will Chloe! [gentlemen dab]
Chloe Carmichael: Same
Poof Cosma-Fairywinkle: So, when are we gonna see these Raydians?
Wanda Fairywinkle: When Timmy and Chloe do the wish.
[30 seconds later]
Timmy Turner: Are we ready, Chloe?
Chloe Carmichael: SURE ARE! 3... 2... 1...
Timmy Turner: GO! I wish we had a portal to Raydia! And in Raydia, I wish I looked…